Looooooud for Bernie
by Kathleen Meyer
June 2016
I’ve been waiting for this man for 40 years!!!
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. . . since the first dire indications of rising global temperatures and accelerating species extinctions      . . . since big fat money moved savagely into elections      . . . since a whole array of causes—environmental, economic, class and racial and gender-driven, medical, educational, law enforcement/incarceration—started spreading us too intractably thin for anything but scanty success      . . . since a general malaise of hopelessness and impotence devoured our spirit to march en-masse, sit-in, rally, demand, scream for a return to democracy.

Wisps of impressive smoke arose from Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, and Democracy Spring, stirring my own buried coals of hope first lite in the 60s. AND THEN CAME BERNIE SANDERS! taking his convictions on the road, with no idea where his voice would carry his revolutionary politics, no idea he would ignite a prairie fire of animated sisters and brothers. In front of us now lies a chance—in this world fast-hurtling into havoc—to make some yuuuuuge progress on myriad critical issues of injustice, not the least of which those inflicted upon Mother Earth.

There is NO waiting . . . no 4-more, 8-more, 20-more years. NOW is the time.

Obama, dear man, ended up lacking an enduring movement—his “Yes We Can” dumped him on the White House lawn with a “
you do it.” Eight good years are nearly gone, with the Dem-Business-As-Usual fairly flattened beneath corporate steamrollers. It’s the system and campaign finance that has to change, assisted by an infusion of many citizen hands. That’s what Bernie is about, what he brings to us. Or, indeed, brings us to.

Coast to coast, the jungle drums are beating—ba-boom, ba-booom,
ba-boooom. Every day louder! They’re saying capture California, Montana, New Mexico, New Jersey, North Dakota and South Dakota on June 7th; DC on June 14th; the July Convention in Philadelphia; and dance Bernie into the White House.

Hey-Hey, Ho-Ho! Old-School Dems Have To Go!
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Patrick in red vest and bright yellow ball cap. Me, to his right, in a straw sun hat, sitting.

The Bernie Rally in Caras Park, Missoula, May 11th . . . my the first big outing after a new titanium hip—assisted by a hot-pink, four-wheeled walker, equipped with brakes and a seat. I wasn’t going to miss this. Full speech: Bernie in Caras Park (Bernie and Jane emerge from SUVs beneath the bridge at 1:40 minutes and climb into the stands to the strains of Willy Nelson’s “On the Road Again.” Bernie comes on stage at 33:55 minutes).

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Now for a few items to counteract mainstream media’s tremendously wretched coverage of Bernie, in their twisting, omitting, hounding, blaming, lying, and snickering, and the DNC’s carefully correographed slams after every Bernie WIN, and the Clinton endorsements, particularly sad to me, from three once-progressive Dems: Jerry Brown, Barbara Boxer, and Tom Hayden. Shame on all of you.
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My Favorite Cherry-Picked Press

Bernie & Rachel Maddow on corporate media. Thanks Rachel!

Bernie goes off on Andrea Mitchell Hooray!!!! (this video is gone)

SNL w/Bernie & Hillary, YouTube HA! HA! HA!

✭✭✭ CNN and DNC on superdelegates Just published today, June 5th, by INQUISITR. Great article: “Navy Vet’s Response” to Puerto Rico’s disenfranchised primary. Then scoll down to second video for the real deal on superdelegates, finally.

4 Reasons Bernie Could Fight On, RollingStone. Bernie should fight on. This campaign is “bigger than the nomination.” It’s about “redefining who we are as a nation.”

“My Bernie” Slide Show
—click on Bernie’s glasses—

(photos picked off the internet—if one is yours, let
me know and I’ll publish the credit)

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Looooooud for Bernie
by Kathleen Meyer
June 2016
I’ve been waiting for this man for 40 years!!!
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   . . . since the first dire indications of rising global temperatures and acceler-ating species extinctions
   . . . since
big fat money moved savagely into elections   
   . . . since a whole array of causes—environmental, economic, class and racial and gender-driven, medical, educational, law enforcement/incarceration—started spreading us too intractably thin for anything but scanty success
   . . . since a general malaise of hopelessness and impotence devoured our spirit to march en-masse, sit-in, rally, demand, scream for a return to democracy.

Wisps of impressive smoke arose from Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, and Democracy Spring, stirring my own buried coals of hope first lite in the 60s. AND THEN CAME BERNIE SANDERS! taking his convictions on the road, with no idea where his voice would carry his revolutionary politics, no idea he would ignite a prairie fire of animated sisters and brothers. In front of us now lies a chance—in this world fast-hurtling into havoc—to make some yuuuuuge progress on myriad critical issues of injustice, not the least of which those inflicted upon Mother Earth.

There is NO waiting . . . no 4-more, 8-more, 20-more years. NOW is the time.

Obama, dear man, ended up lacking an enduring movement—his “Yes We Can” dumped him on the White House lawn with a “
you do it.” Eight good years are nearly gone, with the Dem-Business-As-Usual fairly flattened beneath corporate steamrollers. It’s the system and campaign finance that has to change, assisted by an infusion of many citizen hands. That’s what Bernie is about, what he brings to us. Or, indeed, brings us to.

Coast to coast, the jungle drums are beating—ba-boom, ba-booom,
ba-boooom. Every day louder! They’re saying capture California, Montana, New Mexico, New Jersey, North Dakota and South Dakota on June 7th; DC on June 14th; the July Convention in Philadelphia; and dance Bernie into the White House.

Hey-Hey, Ho-Ho! Old-School Dems Have To Go!
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Patrick in red vest and bright yellow ball cap. Me, to his right, in straw sun hat, sitting.

The Bernie Rally in Caras Park, Missoula, May 11th . . . my the first big outing after a new titanium hip—assisted by a hot-pink, four-wheeled walker, equipped with brakes and a seat. I wasn’t going to miss this. Full speech: Bernie in Caras Park (Bernie and Jane emerge from SUVs beneath the bridge at 1:40 minutes and climb into the stands to the strains of Willy Nelson’s “On the Road Again.” Bernie comes on stage at 33:55 minutes).
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Now for a few items to counteract mainstream media’s tremendously wretched coverage of Bernie, in their twisting, omitting, hounding, blaming, lying, and snickering, and the DNC’s carefully correographed slams after every Bernie WIN, and the Clinton endorsements, particularly sad to me, from three once-progressive Dems: Jerry Brown, Barbara Boxer, and Tom Hayden. Shame on all of you.
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My Favorite Cherry-Picked Press

Bernie & Rachel Maddow on corporate media. Thanks Rachel!

Bernie goes off on Andrea Mitchell Hooray!!!! (this video is gone)

SNL w/Bernie & Hillary, YouTube HA! HA! HA!

✭✭✭ CNN and DNC on superdelegates Just published today, June 5th, by INQUISITR. Great article: “Navy Vet’s Response” to Puerto Rico’s disenfranchised primary. Then scoll down to second video for the real deal on superdelegates, finally.

4 Reasons Bernie Could Fight On, RollingStone. Bernie should fight on. This campaign is “bigger than the nomination.” It’s about “redefining who we are as a nation.”

“My Bernie” Slide Show
—click on Bernie’s glasses—

(photos picked off the internet—if one is yours, let me know and I’ll publish the credit)

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© 2011 by Author Kathleen Meyer  •  All Rights Reserved 
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